Hampton Bays Middle School is a GREEN School!

Hampton Bays Middle School is the first fully LEED-Certified new school in New York. The Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System encourages sustainable green building and development practices.
The LEED for Schools Rating System recognizes the unique nature of the design and construction of public schools. Based on the rating system, a GREEN building addresses issues of environmental conservation and quality through classroom acoustics, master planning, mold prevention, and environmental assessment.
We are very proud that Hampton Bays Middle School is a healthy and environmentally- friendly place to learn!
Several construction aspects make Hampton Bays Middle School a GREEN school building:
• Increased insulation and high-quality window units provide maximum air control.
• Dual heating systems consume oil or natural gas, depending on the most available resource at the
• Use of recycled materials throughout the project minimized waste.
• The natural grade of the land was preserved when possible, giving us gentle ramps throughout the
• Southern-exposure and opaque windows maximize natural sunlight.
• Local materials were used in the project from within 500 miles of Hampton Bays.
Program-elements make Hampton Bays Middle School a GREEN place to go to school everyday:
• RECYCLE : Faculty, staff, and students recycle cardboard and all paper in every classroom and office throughout the building. In fact, we utilize more than 350 gallons of recycling space each day in classrooms and offices! We also recycle plastic bottles that are consumed from our juice and soda machines.
• ACTION: Students participate in the EARTH Club that meets twice per month to promote environmental awareness through conservation activities and campus clean-ups. EARTH stands for Everyone Advocating Resourcefulness Through Helping Hands
• AWARENESS: Every Monday, students are treated to a GREEN Minute, an easy and helpful tip on how to live an environmentally friendly life! Also, as you walk through Hampton Bays Middle School, look for the fun facts that point out the different GREEN facts about our school.