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My Story - Student #31
![Student artwork](//www.hbschools.us/Assets/23-24_My_Story/31.jpg?v=371)
Cuando recibí la noticia de que me iba a otro país, me sorprendí. Cuando salí de casa y me despedí de mi familia, vi a mi madre y a mi hermana pequeña llorando porque sabía que era difícil para ellas estar solas y para mí también ya que viví con ella la mayor parte de mi vida. Después de despedirme de mi familia supe que mi vida iba a cambiar ya que viví muchas situaciones en las que necesitaba y extrañaba a mi familia. Cuando crucé la frontera de Estados Unidos estaba esperando noticias de mis hermanos que me iban a recibir. Pasé un mes en un hostal muy lindo, cuando llegué al hostal me dieron una grata bienvenida, en este hostal conocí a muchos adolescentes como yo que dejaron a sus familias atrás, vivimos juntos, nos contamos sobre nuestros viajes cuando Llegamos a este país que no conocíamos de nada.
Pasó un mes y me dieron la noticia de que me iba a reunir con mi familia. Cuando llegué a Nueva York me encontré con mi hermano al que no veía desde hacía ocho años. Llegué a casa de mi hermana y me dieron una cálida bienvenida, una semana después me matriculé en la escuela y durante casi un año estudié en Riverhead High School y me mudé aquí a Hampton Bays para seguir estudiando y hacer buenos amigos.
When I received the news that I was going to another country, I was surprised. When I left the house and said goodbye to my family, I saw my mother and my little sister crying because I knew it was hard for them to be alone and for me too since I lived with her for most of my life. After saying goodbye to my family, I knew that my life was going to change since I experienced many situations in which I needed and missed my family. When I crossed the border of the United States I was waiting for news from my brothers who were going to receive me. I spent a month in a very nice hostel. When I arrived at the hostel they gave me a pleasant welcome. In this hostel I met many teenagers like me who left their families behind. We lived together. We told each other about our journeys when we arrived in this country that we didn’t know anything about .
A month passed and they gave me the news that I was going to be reunited with my family. When I arrived in New York, I met up with my brother who I hadn't seen for eight years. I arrived at my sister's house and they gave me a warm welcome. A week later, I enrolled in school and for almost a year I studied at Riverhead High School and moved here to Hampton Bays to continue studying and met good friends.