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My Story - Student #5

Student artwork

Mi historia:

Yo soy de Ecuador/Cuenca. Tengo 14 años. Vine con mis padres, madrastra y mis hermanas por que nos estaban amenazando estaba en mi casa hasta que mi padre nos dijo “nos vamos de paseo“ yo pregunté adonde? y él no respondió solo me dijo que no vamos de vacaciones. Yo no tuve ni tiempo de despedirme de mis amigos, solo pude despedirme de mi familia.Luego nos fuimos al terminal terrestre para viajar a Quito y tomar el avión para ir a El Salvador. Estuvimos esperando bastante tiempo para subir al avión yo estuve emocionado porque era mi primera vez que me subía en un avión estaba feliz y emocionado mientras subíamos al avión salté de alegría. Luego tomamos otro avión hacia Colombia y allí nos contó de que nos estaban amenazando que si no pagamos mucho dinero nos iban a matar. 

El camino fue fácil antes de llegar a México. En México se nos hizo difícil el camino porque tuvimos que fingir que éramos salvadoreños, si deseamos que éramos Ecuatorianos nos iban a secuestrar para pedir dinero a mi familia o aún peor nos iban a matar. Nos fuimos de carro tras carro hasta nos subieron en camioneta, busetas, bus y un Trailer. El container más difícil fue el trailer. Fue más difícil porque estábamos encerrados y solo con una botella de agua sobre todos. Teníamos que estar quietos ni siquiera hacer ruido porque si nos encontraban, nos devuelven a nuestro país. Lo peor fue que hacía mucho calor. Al final, salimos de ese lugar y llegamos a puebla. Yo quería volver hacia Ecuador pero decidí no rendirme y seguir adelante para tener un buen futuro con mi familia en un nuevo país con nuevas culturas y nuevos idiomas. Cuando llegamos a la frontera. Luego cruzamos la frontera y la migración estaba esperando a los que estaban para pasar legalmente. Nosotros estábamos listos para descansar un poco después de mucho tiempo. Estaba haciendo mucho frío que mi padre no durmió para que nosotros no nos enfermemos. Aquel día luego estuvimos esperando a que nos vengan a retirar para irnos a casa de migración y allí nos revisaron todo. Después de unos dos días salimos de ahí y nos fuimos a una casa hogar para comprar un vuelo e irnos a Nueva York. Nos tuvimos que quedar porque compraron los vuelos para el siguiente día. Luego, nos llevaron en un avión y así pude conocer a mi tía Alexandra. Ella era muy amable y me dio felicidad al saber que había llegado junto con mi familia.



I am from Ecuador/Cuenca. I'm 14. I came with my father, stepmother and my sisters because they were threatening us. I was at my house until my father told us “we are going for a walk.” I asked where? and he didn't respond, he just told me that we're not going on vacation. I didn't even have time to say goodbye to my friends, I could only say goodbye to my family. Then we went to the airport to travel to Quito and take the plane to go to El Salvador. We were waiting for a long time to get on the plane. I was excited because it was my first time getting on a plane. I was happy and excited. As we got on the plane, I jumped for joy. Then we took another plane to Colombia and there he told us that they were threatening us that if we didn't pay a lot of money they would kill us. 

The journey was easy before reaching Mexico. In Mexico, the journey was difficult for us because we had to pretend that we were Salvadorans. If we wanted to be Ecuadorians they were going to kidnap us to ask my family for money or even worse they were going to kill us. We went from car to car until they put us in a van, bus, bus and a trailer. The most difficult container was the trailer. It was more difficult because we were locked in and only had a bottle of water on everyone. We had to be still and not even make noise because if they found us, they would return us to our country. The worst thing was that it was very hot. In the end, we left that place and arrived in Puebla. I wanted to return to Ecuador but I decided not to give up and move forward to have a good future with my family in a new country with new cultures and new languages. When we arrived at the border. Then we crossed the border and immigration was waiting for those who were there to pass legally. We were ready to rest a little after a long time. It was so cold that my father didn't sleep so we wouldn't get sick. That day we were waiting for them to pick us up to go to the immigration house and there they checked everything for us. After about two days we left there and went home to buy a flight and go to New York. We had to stay because they bought flights for the next day. Then they took us on a plane so I was able to meet my aunt Alexandra. She was very kind and she made me happy knowing that she had arrived along with my family.